Publications: Academic Articles
Do Subsidies Increase Charitable Giving in the Long Run? Matching Donations in a Field Experiment
Stephan Meier, Journal of the European Economic Association (2007)
The Impact of Group Membership on Cooperation and Norm Enforcement: Evidence Using Random Assignment to Real Social Groups
Lorenz Goette, David Huffman, and Stephan Meier, American Economic Review (2006)
Social Comparison and Pro-social Behavior: Testing ‘Conditional Cooperation’ in a Field Experiment
Bruno S. Frey and Stephan Meier, American Economic Review (2004)
Pro-Social Behavior in a Natural Setting
Bruno Frey and Stephan Meier, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2004)
Are Political Economists Selfish or Indoctrinated?
Bruno S. Frey and Stephan Meier, Economic Inquiry (2003)