Other Academic Publications
Authored Books
The Economics Of Non-Selfish Behaviour: Decisions To Contribute Money To Public Goods
In standard economic theory, human beings are portrayed as selfish money-maximizing actors. This book investigates the conditions under which people deviate from this prediction and when they are prepared to contribute to the common good in more altruistic fashion.
Edited Books
Policymaking Insights From Behavioral Economics
Behavioral economics is motivated by a range of empirical facts that are at apparent odds with assumptions of standard economic theory. But while behavioral approaches are becoming common in academia, it is unclear how behavioral models should inform economic policymaking in general, and central banking in particular. This conference, entitled “Implications of Behavioral Economics for Economic Policy,” discussed the implications of behavioral economics for macroeconomic policy, with special attention to the regulatory and monetary policy responsibilities of central banks.
Incentive-Based Interventions
Uri Gneezy, Agne Kajackaite, and Stephan Meier, Handbook of Behavior Change, Martin S. Hagger, Linda Cameron, Kyra Hamilton, Nelli Hankonen and Taru Lintunen (eds), New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 523-536 (2020)
Trust, Distrust, and Bargaining
Stephan Meier and Iris Bohnet, The Oxford Handbook of Economic Conflict Resolution (2012)
A Survey of Economic Theories and Field Evidence on Pro-Social Behavior
Stephan Meier, Economics and Psychology: A Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field (2007)