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Is Wellness at Work Working?

September 2024
There is no doubt that wellbeing in the workplace matters. Studies show that companies that prioritize employee well-being have higher productivity and overall perform better financially. In light of this research, organizations worldwide have implemented ostensibly employee-focused wellness programs. While the growing trend of companies prioritizing their employees' well-being and health is welcoming, many of these programs miss their intended mark.

Hybrid Work Is Here to Stay — How to Make the Best of It

August 2024
After the COVID-19 pandemic shut down offices around the world and employees got a taste of what it’s like to work from home. A tug of war between workers and bosses erupted over return to office (RTO) policies: Employees want more flexibility/WFH days and leaders want less. 

Before Quiet Quitting There Was Solitaire

July 2024
You have to give it to the “kids these days” who have come up with cute terms that go viral on social media, such as ‘quiet quitting’ or ‘laying flat’ (the latter a popular term in China). As a result, a lot of focus has been placed on younger generations exhibiting this kind of behavior. But phoning it in at work is nothing new.

Tech Bros vs. Theater Kids

June 2024
In a world of constant change, figuring out what skills will be most needed in the future can be confusing. “What should I study in college?” is a question being discussed at my dinner table — maybe yours too? — and it is making the kids pretty anxious. Is computer science or finance the path to success, as we once might have assumed, or will coding and investing be taken over by AI? Maybe it’s the theater majors who will come out on top. If the ability to pivot is what the future rewards, the skills learned in improv class may turn out to be very valuable indeed.

Announcing My New Book

May 2024
I'm pleased to announce the release of my new book, THE EMPLOYEE ADVANTAGE: How Putting Workers First Helps Business Thrive which is now available for pre-order. As a behavioral economist and professor at Columbia Business School, I have extensively researched the connection between human motivation and business outcomes. I wrote The Employee Advantage because I believe that in order for leaders and organizations to succeed, we need a collective mindset shift toward prioritizing workers, especially against the backdrop of a rapidly shifting technology landscape.