Publications: Academic Articles
Financial Incentives for Vaccination Do Not Have Negative Unintended Consequences
Florian H. Schneider, Pol Campos-Mercade, Stephan Meier, Devin Pope, Erik Wengström, and Armando N. Meier, Nature (2023)
Monetary Incentives Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations
Pol Campos-Marcade, Armando Meier, Devin Pope, Florian Schneider, Stephan Meier, and Erik Wengström, Science, 374 (2021): 879-882.
When and Why Incentives (Don't) Work to Modify Behavior
Uri Gneezy, Stephan Meier, and Pedro Rey-Biel, Journal of Economic Perspectives (2011)
Another Hidden Cost of Incentives: The Detrimental Effect on Norm Enforcement
Andreas Fuster and Stephan Meier, Management Science (2010)
Doing Good or Doing Well? Image Motivation and Monetary Incentives in Behaving Prosocially
Dan Ariely, Anat Bracha and Stephan Meier, American Economic Review (2009)
Do Subsidies Increase Charitable Giving in the Long Run? Matching Donations in a Field Experiment
Stephan Meier, Journal of the European Economic Association (2007)
The Impact of Group Membership on Cooperation and Norm Enforcement: Evidence Using Random Assignment to Real Social Groups
Lorenz Goette, David Huffman, and Stephan Meier, American Economic Review (2006)