Publications: Academic Articles
License to Fire? Unemployment Insurance and Moral Cost of Layoffs
Daniel Keum and Stephan Meier (Forthcoming: Organization Science).
Gender Differences in Preferences for Meaning at Work
Vanessa Burbano, Nicolas Padilla, and Stephan Meier (Forthcoming: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy)
The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work
Vanessa Burbano, Johanna Rickne, Olle Folke, and Stephan Meier (Forthcoming: Management Science). DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2022.01807
Does Growing Up in Hard Economic Times Increase Compassion? The Case of Attitudes Towards Immigration
Maria Cotofan, Robert Dur, and Stephan Meier, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, 218 (2024): 245-262. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2023.11.023
Are Customers 10x More Important to Firms than Employees? Empirical Analysis of Imbalance in Emphasis Between Two Stakeholders
Nandil Bhatia and Stephan Meier (Working paper, 2022)
(Partial) Exit and Voice in the Labor Market: Evidence from the Digital Water Cooler
Natalie Carlson, Matthew Yeaton, and Stephan Meier (Working paper, 2020)